Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Join in for Some Valentine Fun...

I'm having a "LOVING" attitude these days & because Lisa Frase of Effective Teaching Articles has developed the Brilliant "Valentine Blog Hop," I am hoping to give some fellow teacher/blogger/follower friends some Valentine Happies! 
VISIT THE VALENTINE BLOG HOP HOSTING BLOG BY CLICKING  THE BIG APPLE ! You'll find tons of other freebies and blogs to visit with more freebies and opportunities!
How to Enter: Simply be an Innovative Connections Fan...
A.  Follow my Blog via Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs
B.  "Like"  my FB Fan Page, and
C.  Follow me in my TpT Store  
(I ask that you actually do A, B, & C)
OR (if you have already done the above)....   You have two options below:     
D.  Fill Out the GUEST BLOGGER FormComplete the Google Doc to be a Guest Blogger on Innovative Connections! It's the tab labeled "Guest Post"
Nothing long or fancy: teaching strategies,  book review for your fav book, management tips, ideas, a free item you'd like to share, advice to teachers, creative test prep ideas, or others--any grade/subject! What can more exposure hurt?
(I will totally love you for picking this one!)
E.  TPT TEACHER-AUTHORComplete the "Get to Know This TpT Teacher-Author" Form Under the Tabs at Top of My Blog--to be featured in a blog post! Exposure for you! Particularly great for new bloggers, non-blogger TpT Sellers, and anyone wanting to learn about fellow TpT Sellers!

A, B, & C count as 1 Entry! You may submit a comment telling me name, email and what you chose to do from above. If you choose to do an additional choice, enter a separate comment stating just that! You can have up to 3 entries for the contest! 

***Your entries are recorded by leaving your comment!***
 "Valentine Blog Hop" runs Feb. 1st-14th! 
Winners announced Feb. 15th! 
4 Winners Choose Any 4 Priced Digital Items in My TpT Store for Free! 

This Linky Party is Also Found at TBA's Ultimate Linky Party!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Get to Know This TpT Teacher-Author...

Lori Wolfe of Fun to Teach
What grade level(s) and/or subject(s) are you currently teaching? What grade levels have you taught prior to this year?           
Currently I am teaching k-5 English Language Development (ELD)!
Bilingual 1-4, Bilingual Title I, ESL

If currently in the classroom, how long have you been teaching? If not still in classroom, how long did you teach?            
 14 years

When did you join Teachers Pay Teachers as a Seller? What made you decide to become a seller?
I joined TPT as a seller a few years ago (can't remember the exact year) to dabble in the emerging e-commerce world.  I had a product that I had been selling in hard copy and TPT gave me the opportunity to try out the web!

One piece of advice you can give to a beginning teacher & one piece for a veteran teacher:
My biggest piece of advice for a beginning teacher is to get your classroom management down.  Find a teacher you admire and whose room runs the way you would want yours to run.  Then, study her every move, and ask tons of questions.  Modify it to fit you, and when you hear yourself say, "The kids weren't doing what they were supposed to today," stand back and look for the flaws in your routine or procedures for the day.  Modify until things run smoothly. 

Something unique about you both as a teacher and outside of the classroom:
I started my career as a 1/2 bilingual classroom teacher.  I didn't realize until much later that I started with one of the hardest teaching assignments.  The benefit was that everything since has felt easier!

Each summer for the past 8 years, a friend and I have traveled to different Spanish speaking countries to spend a few weeks at language school to unwind from the school year and work on our Spanish.

TpT Store Link:

If you like, please leave a link to one of your best selling products here:

Are there any other sites you’d like posted for others to access?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Recommending a Visit to Sunny Days!!

Awesome Resources-Sunny Days TpT Store

A few words from Sunny Days' Product Description:

Never again hear a student say, “I’m done, what do I do now?” 
            Fifty printables for enrichment and early finishers. 
Critical & creative thinking activities for a wide range and ability of students grades 1-4. 
You may even find activities that correlate with whole class units of study as activities cover all subject areas.
Visit Sunny Days in Second Grade Blog Too!
Great for Grades 2-5 & Homeschoolers!
A few words from her product desciption:
Are you ready for some football?
This activity pack includes a combination of nine high interest printables,
 centers and home activities revolving around the big game!
Download the preview to see each activity:
Football Jersey Glyph
Design a Super Bowl Ticket
Two research printables
Superfan tri-fold game watch guide
3 page word work activity
Football themed Roll-A-Sentence activity
Math problem solving printable
Football compound printable
Find these products and other super resources at 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Get to Know This TpT Teacher-Author...

What grade level(s) and/or subject(s) are you currently teaching? What grade levels have you taught prior to this year?   
          I just retired and am now writing curriculum. For the past 13 years, I taught English 12, Creative Writing 1,2 and 3, and Journalism 1, 2, 3, and 4.

If currently in the classroom, how long have you been teaching? If not still in classroom, how long did you teach?    
          I was in the classroom for 30+ years.

When did you join Teachers Pay Teachers as a Seller? What made you decide to become a seller?    
I joined TpT in 2006 while I was compiling a book of all of my teaching ideas to offer to educational publishers. TpT offered a great resource for me to publish my lesson plans, unit plans and Power Points. My postings have so exceeded the length of my original book, titled, Setting the Pace, I chose to stay with it. Meanwhile I’m still tossing around ideas for revamping the book. There is so much that I want to include, I've decided to break the material into separate categories.

One piece of advice you can give to a beginning teacher & one piece for a veteran teacher:     
            I'd like to share the advice given to me by the principal when I accepted my first contract job (in a boys' reform school) because it has guided my teaching throughout the years: "Be firm, but fair." Another bit of wisdom, from Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest has helped me through many a stressful situation: in the classroom, at faculty meetings, in the teachers' lounge and in my personal life, "You lose your laugh, you lose your footing," (paraphrased).

Something unique about you both as a teacher and outside of the classroom:
            I am a published author of a YA book, A Fine Line, which has been used by a number of schools in conflict mediation classes. I wrote it as a novel for teenagers after one too many young ladies came in to my classroom black and blue from a fight with her boyfriend. Teen dating abuse is frightening and very real, unfortunately.

(Connie sent me a pic of her cat looking at her novel!)

What other bio information would you like to share?
         I've been married for 42 years to a wonderfully supportive man, have two adult children and two incredible granddaughters. Our Newfoundland dog, Tommy, and two cats, Charlie and Hank, are my writing muses. When I'm not working on TpT and my website, www.teachitwrite.com, I read, read, read. In my spare time, I am revising my contemporary romance novel, A Lighter Shade of Bimbo. My husband and I love to travel, also. My whole family are avid Pittsburgh Steelers fans; in fact my son was due on Super Bowl Sunday, 1976, but was polite enough to wait until the Steelers won to enter this world.

Are there any other sites you’d like posted for others to access?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Announcing Connect-a-Blog's New Move...

You just have to visit this spectacular Pre K thru 12 Collaborative Teaching Blog! 
           Connect-a-Blog has moved to a new site! You will find this blog one valuable resource no matter the grade you teach! It offers boocoodles (I love this word, as do my students) of resources, some priced and lots of free ones, in addition to great postings by a wide variety of contributing authors! Please check it out and visit its Facebook page, Twitter, & Pinterest Accounts!
           You will find it's a totally awesome teaching blog! Not to mention, you will have immediate access to many fabulous blogs you are already familiar with as well as others you will be glad to have found! Again, the contributing authors and their blogs provide resources in all grade levels and subjects! Do not miss out on bookmarking this web site! The blog is not new; however, it has been moved to a new site on Wordpress!
           Stop by & just see what you find! Please show your support by linking up with us! Find the blog link above and other social media links below:
Pinterest is AWESOME!
Twitter.....Here you go "Tweeters"
Need I really ask that you "Like" us on Facebook?
You are going to love this blog if you don't already! There are plenty of authors with fabulous blogs that sure think it's not to be missed out on if you are a teacher and/or blogger. Don't be the only one not a part of the community!!  :)
P.S. How are my persuasion tactics working? I'm currently teaching a persuasive writing unit in class....I hope I'm okay at it! :) Leave me a comment if I happened to persuade you to visit!! 
Have a great day---and weekend!

Monday, January 16, 2012



Students can cut out multiple tags to write positive comments to their classmates for Valentine's Day! Download contains 3 pages of printables and a page of notes to the teacher for using this activity! 
Great in any class, grade, or subject area!  Enjoy!

Get to Know This TpT Teacher-Author...

Mary Baur from The Artistry of Education 

What grade level(s) and/or subject(s) are you currently teaching? What grade levels have you taught prior to this year
             This year I teach a 5/6 split; previously I have taught every grade K-6
If currently in the classroom, how long have you been teaching? If not still in classroom, how long did you teach?           
            21 Years
When did you join Teachers Pay Teachers as a Seller? What made you decide to become a seller?    
I am a writer as well as a teacher.  I am looking for ways to share my writing.  Teachers Pay Teachers is a good community.
One piece of advice you can give to a beginning teacher & one piece for a veteran teacher:     
            I would advise a beginning teacher that it is okay to ask for help.  I would encourage veteran teachers to find ways to keep themselves healthy and creative. 
Tell something unique about you, both inside and outside of the classroom.
            I have my principal certificate, but I knew before I finished the program that I needed to stay in the classroom.
            I spent six years in the U.S. Army Reserves.

Are there any other sites you’d like posted for others to access?
         My Facebook Page:

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Unique, Significant, and Some Bizarre Holidays/Dates to Note & Maybe Share in Class:

We are all aware of the many well-known holidays such as New Year's Day,  Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Holiday (Birthday observed), Groundhog Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Valentine's Day, Presidents' Day...just to name a few!  
BUT, Did You Know These???
Dates I Don't See on My "Usual" Refrigerator Calendar & I Think Are Pretty Cool!
NOTE: I've started beyond today's date!
Though some dates are the same each year, others vary year to year---
Dates below are for January & February 2012
Those Noted in RED Tempt Me to Plan a Unique Lesson for Class! 
Certainly these make for spectacular writing prompts in various subjects!! 
Bath Safety Month
National Book Month   --Everyone should find a new book to read!
National Volunteer Blood Donor Month  
National Thank You Month--to remind us to say "Thank You" when we should!
National Eye Care Month
National Braille Literacy Month
National Hobby Month
Days in January:
17th Ditch New Years' Resolutions Day (lol...if you must)
18th Thesaurus Day; Maintenance Day; Winnie the Pooh Day
20th National Penguin Day
21st National Hugging Day & Squirrel Appreciation Day
23rd Chinese New Year* & National Handwriting Day---AND Measure Your Feet Day 
                    (I won't even comment on the feet...)
24th Belly Laugh Day
26th Australia Day 
28th National Fun at Work Day   (I will be sure to announce this at school!)
     *2nd New Moon after Winter Solstice-- Chinese New Year!

American Heart Month
Black History Month (Yes, I knew this & currently teaching a Unit involving it. :))
National Children's Dental Health Month
Chocolate Lover's Month   (Here's a teacher's excuse to eat chocolate for a  month!)
National Bird Feeding Month (I will have to add another bird feeder to my backyard!)
Days in February 
1st   National Freedom Day
2nd National Change Your Windshield Wipers Day
4th Thank a Mailman Day
8th  Boy Scout Day & Kite Flying Day
11th Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day (Anyone Teaching Idioms?)& Make a Friend Day
17th Random Acts of Kindness Day; National Public Science Day
20th Love Your Pet Day
21st  Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
22nd Be Humble Day, Walking the Dog Day (uh oh...I have 5 dogs...)
26th Tell a Fairy Tale Day
27th Polar Bear Day
28th National Tooth Fairy Day
29th LEAP DAY----Woah---I didn't realize it until today! 
           I am usually pretty good about donating blood, so I will be sure to put that on my "to-do" list for January! February, I must go for my dental check up, especially if I intend to use the chocolate excuse!  
It seems I have lots of planning to do---there are too many good lessons to be taught!
           I truly hope you found this post enjoyable, as I have thoroughly enjoyed conjuring up all sorts of things to do in class....knowing some of these unique holidays! I've enjoyed it so much that I think I may have to do this for every month!! Tune in For Upcoming Months!!! 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Latest Addition to TpT Store...Fun Activity With Rap Song

Yay! I reached over 4,000 page views! Thank you all! So, I spent my evening finally creating this product! It is actually an adapted/revised version of an old product I deleted! Yes, I'm indecisive! It was so much fun to do with my students. Granted, this is geared to Middle & High School....but, I still wanted to post about it. It's so easy to teach Literary Elements if you use music these students today are familiar with---

Ann Marie Smith

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ann Marie's TpT Sale Ends Midnight Tonight!

Almost 80 digital & used goods 15% off!
Click the TpT Store Icon on the Right Sidebar or Click the Product Below that Links to My Store...
In addition, here is my newest product...
I posted it just last night!

A Ruby Bridges Reading Activities Pack:


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Terrific Quotes for a Terrific Tuesday!

This has always been a motto of mine: Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work. --Bette Davis

Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible. --Maya Angelou

I am prepared to sacrifice every so-called privilege I possess in order to have a few rights.
--Inez Milholland, Suffragist 1909

I do not know the word 'quit.' Either I never did, or I have abolished it.
---Susan Butcher, Iditarod winner, 1988

Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got.   --Janis Joplin

There will always be men struggling to change, and there will always be those who are controlled by the past.  --Ernest J. Gaines 
Reminder: TpT Sale through Wednesday in my Store!
Click the TpT Icon on Top Ride Sidebar of my Blog!

Monday, January 09, 2012

Get to Know this TpT Teacher-Author...

Heidi Raki at Raki Rad Resources
What grade level(s) and/or subject(s) are you currently teaching? What grade levels have you taught prior to this year
             Right now - 1st grade, Previously: 3rd grade and K-5 computers

If currently in the classroom, how long have you been teaching? If not still in classroom, how long did you teach?           
            This is my 7th year.

When did you join Teachers Pay Teachers as a Seller? What made you decide to become a seller?    
I started to sell teaching products because my mom was sick.  Almost 3 years ago my momraki's-rad-web was diagnosed with Stage 4 small cell lung cancer.  I took a leave of absence from school to stay home with her.  We knew this was the right decision for the family, but were not sure how we would afford it financially.  So, I was surfing the web and found this website called Teachers Pay Teachers.  One Friday, I put up a few things that I had saved on my flash drive and decided I would really put some effort into this the coming Monday.  However, Sunday night mom had some seizures and ended up in intensive care.  She passed away the following Monday, and I forgot all about TPT.  About 3 months later, I was checking my e-mail and saw a random email that someone had bought one of my products.  I think I earned $0.30 off that transaction, but it was the start of Raki’s Rad Resources for me, and it has helped my family immensely.

One piece of advice you can give to a beginning teacher & one piece for a veteran teacher:     
            Get to Know your Kids!  You will be a better teacher to a kid you can completely understand, so really get to know your kids.  Eat lunch with them once in awhile, ask them about their family, ask them what they had for dinner last night, ask them what tv shows they watch (take a half hour and watch one of their shows), this knowledge will be powerful when planning your lessons and assessing learning growth.
Something unique about you both as a teacher and outside of the classroom:
            Here's something unique about me and it applies both in and out of the classroom....... wait for it........ I live in Morocco!  Yep, you read that right, Casablanca, Morocco.  I have been here since June 2011 and I am teaching at an American school here.  I teach all in English, even though the main languages of the country are French and Arabic.  I also have 3 sons who are going to school here in Morocco.  They spend half of their day immersed in French and half of their day immersed in Arabic.  

One of your best selling product links:    http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Unit-on-Maps-and-Globes

What other bio information would you like to share?
            I am a mother to three sons - Khalil, Zaiyd and Samir, aged 7, 4 and 7months.  I have been married for 8 years. I was born in Buffalo, NY and have lived in New Mexico, Georgia and now Morocco.

Are there any other sites you’d like posted for others to access?


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