Thursday, October 11, 2012

Borders/Backgrounds-- Freebie for You!

Hey all! Hope your October is lovely!
I meant to load these a long while back and forgot I had them.. HELLOOO! ;) Anyway, these are just a few backgrounds I drummed up one evening when creating my own agenda books for the week. I thought I may as well load them on Google docs and share with you guys!

download on google docs a smith innovative connections
Download these swirly corners frames/backgrounds for FREE--either from pic or google docs link above!
They work great for backgrounds in power points, smart notebooks, promethean flipcharts, pdfs, and all sorts of documents/files! 

Hope you enjoy!
A. Smith


  1. Gorgeous, nice creative adaptation of border ideas with a new twist! Thanks!

    1. Thanks, Carolyn! I appreciate you swinging by to write! :) Hope you are well and loving this new fall season! I KNOW I am! Now, if I can just get to Thanksgiving!

  2. The swirly borders are fantastic! I feel I hit the jackpot today. I just downloaded your autumn borders and now these. Yay!! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Awesome, Jana! Glad you like them and hope you can use them. I am always trying to "jazz" up agenda notebooks and whatnot for projecting in class, so I doodle a lot... ;)
      Thanks for writing! Be well!

  3. I am always looking for new backgrounds for my Promethean Flip charts. Thanks for sharing. I'm now a follower!

    1. Awesome, Kate! Thanks so much for stopping by and writing!! :) Glad you like! Have a great week!


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