Saturday, June 30, 2012

Give Your Bulletin Board a Makeover!

Okay, so after I randomly decided to move bookshelves to another wall, I decided to paint my office/living room area! That turned into hating the ugly and plain bulletin board I had in it. So, I began pulling out paints from the mudroom!
bookshelves to another wall
Bulletin Board Before 
pulling out paints from the mudroom
Painted Board with Primer, Frame with Patina Blue
Added some swirls and circles...a little trim at top and bottom
Now I'm thinking, I'm putting this in my classroom. Maybe I'll make a place to hang an agenda, make up work notes to students, activity schedule, or some other type things...I could use it for centers, etc. Really, there's always tons of things you need a bulletin board for in your room right?

I thought I would share what I ended up with! It also got me started working on more labels for organizing and other things!
Innovative ConnectionsOkay--So, I'm heading back to tackle a black cabinet! Wanting to paint it now too! wonder my husband has been gone all day. Ha! 
Have a great rest of the weekend!


  1. Nicely done!! Some day I will learn to be crafty! ;)

    First Grade and Fabulous

    1. Oh, DeAnne, just pull out some paint and start throwing stuff together! You'd be amazed! I'm the worst about not having a plan!
      Thanks for writing... :)
      Ann Marie

  2. Love your blog! You have so many great ideas!

    I have given you an award...come on over and check it out!

    The Polka-dotted Teacher

    1. You're very sweet to pick my blog! Thanks so much!!

  3. I love your blog, and I've selected you to receive an award, the "One Lovely Blog Award."
    Please check my blog to grab your award, and read all about it.

    Queen Bee
    On the Road to Accomplished Teaching

    1. Thank you so much! That's so kind of you!
      Ann Marie

  4. What a great idea! So cute!


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥


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