Thursday, March 29, 2012

Strategy I Just Came Up with for Implementing Test Prep Activity!!

I don't know about you, but I drum up my "COOL/NEW" ideas at the most inopportune times! Today's was in the middle of last class! This is an alternate approach for an item I have in my store titled: 
(ON SALE TIL MIDNIGHT....hint, hint! :)
My hope was a "GIANT WORD WALL" just's more fun!! 
My suggestion today is this...
MAKE IT A MATCHING GAME using YARN to attach term to definition---and don't even bother with cutting out terms...unless you want them separate!

  • I also printed mine out on colored paper and laminated them (imagine that)! 
  • Straight across the top of my wall are the literary terms.
  • Underneath and staggered are the definitions all in a random arrangement! 

Students will take turns reading definitions, deciding the right term then attaching yarn from definition to term!! The end result? A funny web of learning!!! just undo the yarn end from the term or the definition (not both) and you are set for the next class!! SUPERB TEST PREP ACTIVITY!! Yes, I'm uber excited about it right now----I could possibly think later that I overreacted, but...just go with it! Below is a pic of my wall---didn't clean up before :) & I haven' t yet attached yarn to one of the two parts of matching elements!
Superb Test Prep Activity by Ann Marie Smith Students take turns, web of learning
Perfectly fine to scatter them about the pictures or flag or file! Works for my students and me!!! Yarn is yet to be attached!!!
I would love your suggestions or thoughts!! Please leave in a comment below, even if you just want to say you like it or you will try it---or just that you stopped by to check out the idea!! Thanks so much!


  1. Looks like fun! I think the kids will really enjoy the activity. Great brainwave Ann Marie!

    Teacher Talk

  2. Thanks, ADDIE!!! :) Glad you stopped by to check it out!!

  3. Oh my gosh! What a GREAT activity!!! I will definitely have to use something like this in my class. (my best ideas come at random times too!)

    Teaching in Room 6

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! AND, thank you for sharing!!! Random ideas are SUPER!! Love them!!

  4. Ann, this is great! You already have me thinking of where I could place my own test prep wall :). Love it!!

    1. Get to placing yours!!! :) Thank you for visiting!! :) Have a great weekend!
      Ann Marie

  5. Love this idea! Middle and High students need to get up and move with a learning activity, too! Can see how to integrate this into my kindergarten literacy lab as well. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you like the idea!!! Thanks so much!

  6. Love your idea and am very jealous of your wall space! I would probably have to scale things way down and let them rearrange the descriptor cards under the headers using a pocket chart. All of the colors, makes this review activity very eye catching and appealing!!

  7. These are so colorful and attractive! Great idea. Carolyn

    1. Thanks, Carolyn! I appreciate your feedback. You are always very supportive and great at providing insight!
      Ann Marie

  8. Great idea! I'm a bit late to the party, but I'm here...and with a freebie! Come by and pick it up when you get a chance!


    The Teacher's Chatterbox


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