Sunday, February 12, 2012

Get to Know This TpT Teacher-Author...

Steve Gipson at Mr. G’s Creative Classroom!
What grade level(s) and/or subject(s) are you currently teaching? What grade levels have you taught prior to this year?   9-12; I have taught grade 6-12!

If currently in the classroom, how long have you been teaching? If not still in classroom, how long did you teach?   7 Years

When did you join Teachers Pay Teachers as a Seller? What made you decide to become a seller?     I joined TPT as a seller about 16 months ago. Since I started teaching, I have always created a lot of classroom materials myself. They were just sitting around on a hard drive somewhere, collecting dust. TPT seemed like a great way to share and maybe make a few bucks. I have always believed that we teachers needed to connect with each other more, and stop reinventing the wheel over and over. TPT helps us share, perfect, and refine our classroom materials. I also love that it allows us to circumvent the big publishing companies and put money directly into the pockets of our colleagues!

One piece of advice you can give to a beginning teacher & one piece for a veteran teacher:     
My first year semester of teaching was extremely difficult. I was trying to teach to the test, and do everything I had learned in the credential program. The students hated me, and I wasn't having any fun. So I just threw all that out the window and started teaching what I was interested in. I still adapted lessons to fit the standards (or, more accurately, I adapted the standards so they would fit my lessons.) I also started incorporating more multimedia and digital learning into the classroom environment, which was fin for me and the students. The transformations I made were a success. The students responded positively and I started having fun. I can remember my mentor teacher remarking on the change. “Steve, the students like you now!” she exclaimed. So the piece of advice to get out of all that: relax, be yourself, and remember you have to save your sanity before you can save your students!

For a veteran teacher, I would say two things: embrace technology and always work to refine and improve your practice!

Something unique about you both as a teacher and outside of the classroom:
I don't own a car. Most days, I ride a bike to work. If it is raining, I take a light-rail train.


One of your best selling product links :

Are there any other sites you’d like posted for others to access?
Twitter: @themrgshow
Facebook: Currently Updating...

1 comment:

  1. Grrr...for whatever reason, I cannot for the life of me get two links above to "link"-----please use the linked blog image at top to go to Steve's blog and copy url of product if you'd like to check it out too!! Sorry!


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