Friday, November 25, 2011

Get to Know This TpT Teacher Author...

Hilary Lewis at Rockin Teacher Materials
What grade level(s) and/or subject(s) are you currently teaching? What grade levels have you taught prior to this year?         2- K-3

If currently in the classroom, how long have you been teaching? If not still in classroom, how long did you teach?            26 Years

When did you join Teachers Pay Teachers as a Seller? What made you decide to become a seller?     January 2011
The newsletter telling about Deanna Jump making $40,000 in a quarter…After seeing that, I had to 'jump' right in!"

One piece of advice you can give to a beginning teacher & one piece for a veteran teacher:     
Beginning Teacher: Remember that you can't do everything that you want to do for your class...Just do the best you can and remember to care about 'your' kids! You are one of the most important people in that child's life...AND you may never know how much of an influence you have had in their lives...
Veteran Teacher: Never stop learning and don't be afraid to try new things! Don't become one of those people who says, “Well...I've always done it like that!"

Something unique about you both as a teacher and outside of the classroom:
I love creating things for my classroom to make my life easier...However, I keep thinking of new ideas, so my life never gets easier!
We are almost empty nesters...Our 2 youngest are seniors in high school...$700 for senior pictures, $300 for announcements and cap & gown...$120 for yearbooks...a quiet house in the near future...Priceless! (I hope the quiet doesn't make me crazy!)

One of your best selling product links:

What other bio information would you like to share?
Hobbies: Making things for TpT and my blog
Indianapolis Colts
Butler University...Go Bulldogs!
8 kids and 2 dogs! Crazy around here at Christmas!"

Are there any other sites you’d like posted for others to access?

** If you would like to be included in the "Get to Know Our TpT Teacher-Authors" postings, click on the link at the top of my blog and fill in the entry form! 
              Ann Marie Smith

1 comment:

  1. Top TPT Teacher-Author Deanna Jump's Comment:
    Hilary, I enjoyed reading about you! I hope that you are having great success on TPT. Good luck on your empty nest. Whoo! If you think senior year is expensive just wait until college tuition kicks in. People, do your good deed for the day...go buy something from this seller. Two kids in college= poor!


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